In the previous entry I demonstrated how to create Cross-site Lookup Columns. Now I will show how to use Advanced section fields of Cross-site Lookup column management dialog and how to modify the template of the result set in particular. With our Cross-site Lookup you can add extra fields to the result set to simplify search and navigation through the large lists. Here is illustration from the official website:
![SharePoint 2013 cross-site lookup people with photos](
I will use the same environment that I created in the previous entry: Countries list in the root site of the root site collection and Target list in the nested site collection.
Here I will show how to place the flag near the country name in the lookup result set. First, I added Hyperlink or Picture column and called it Flag. Next, I set flags for all the countries in my list:
![SharePoint 2013 cross-site lookup: list of countries with flags](
Now, go to Target list and open Cross-site lookup management window. Select Country field and expand Advanced settings at the bottom of the dialog.
Here you can find two templates. The first one 'Request items' is used to request items from the source list through SharePoint 2013 rest service. Here we can define sorting, additional filtering and searching criteria for result sets. We have to insert our Flag column into select statement to retrieve it from the server and build it into the item template which is used in the result set.
Here is my 'Request Items' template:
function (term, page) { if (!term || term.length == 0) { return "{WebUrl}/_api/web/lists('{ListId}')/items?$select=Id,{LookupField},Flag&$orderby=Created desc&$top=10"; } return "{WebUrl}/_api/web/lists('{ListId}')/items?$select=Id,{LookupField},Flag&$orderby={LookupField}&$filter=startswith({LookupField}, '" + term + "')&$top=10"; }
The second template 'Item format' defines the view of an item in the result set. Here we will use our Flag field that will be returned from the server by the request defined in the first template. Here is my 'Item format' template:
function(item) { return ''; }' + item["{LookupField}"] + '
Now let's see what our Country field looks like in the forms:
![SharePoint 2013 cross-site lookup with extended results](
Excellent! In the following article I will show how to use Cross-site Lookup with Forms Designer and create dependent columns including cascading dropdowns.
Hi, i'm trying to use your template but instead of retrieving an image column besides the lookup, i'm trying to retrieve a country code that is saved within the same list, i added the country code column in the select statement, and removed the img src tag from the item format code and requested item.abbreviation where abbreviation is the internal name of the country code column. I couldn't get this to work for me, any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your response.
ReplyDeleteIm' trying something simular but ony get error